Mark Aitken, CEO

Meet The Active-PCB Team: Mark Aitken, CEO

In this series, we’re meeting the Active-PCB team and finding out a little bit more about them. This time it’s the turn of Active-PCB Solutions’ CEO, Mark Aitken.

Name: Mark Aitken 

Job Title: Active-PCB’s CEO

Joined Active-PCB Solutions: 2021

Meet The Active-PCB Team: Mark Aitken, CEO
  1. What inspired you to work in the PCB/electronics industry? I was a customer for contract electronic manufacturing for many years so when the opportunity came to work on the other side of the supply chain, it was something I thought I could add value to.
  1. In fewer than 100 words, what does a typical workday at Active-PCB Solutions look like for you? Supporting the team to drive business growth by focussing on our customers and their requirements. Helping solve the problems we face if I can. Planning for the future.
  1. What do you enjoy most about working with the team at Active-PCB Solutions? The improvements we continually make as a team and how we are developing as a company and as individuals.
  1. Imagine it’s the end of a Friday workday – what does your ideal evening look like? Dinner with my family, Rugby on the TV, large glass of Red Wine ……
  1. What’s a hobby or activity you’ve recently gotten into, or one which you would love to try? I would very much like to re-introduce Golf as my hobby, and plan to do this in 2025.
  1. If you could wake up tomorrow being an expert at something or having a brand new skill, what would it be and why? Mind Reading! It has to help at work and at home, surely!!
  1. What is the last series you binged on Netflix/Prime/etc (and would you recommend it?)  The Day of the Jackal and yes, I would recommend it.
  1. You have two weeks off and an unlimited budget; where would you visit? Japan. I’ve always wanted to go and to go to the island of Honshu and ski Mount Fugi while I was there.
  1. What’s your go-to comfort food? Cheese and Crackers.
  1. According to an advert I saw on LinkedIn, animals are excellent for engagement, so please show off your pet (if you have one)!  This is Dotty (Dorothy Dog to give her full name)
  1. The same advert told me that humour was also good for engagement. Can you tell us a joke?  A man walks into a shop and says to the shop keeper ‘I’d like to buy a wasp please’. The shopkeeper says ‘ we don’t sell wasps sir’, to which the man replies ………..well you had one in the window yesterday!
  1. Jo Edwards, Senior Account Manager, set the following question for you: What is your favourite album? I am a big music fan and this is an impossible question! I’ll go for my favourite of this year which is No Name by Jack White 

Thanks Mark!

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