Debbie parsons, Production Manager

Meet The Active-PCB Team: Debbie Parsons, Production Manager

As the week comes to an end, I’m pleased to present another Meet The Team. This time, we’ve asked Debbie – who is the shop floor Production Manager – what she thinks about life, pets and working at Active-PCB.

Name: Debbie parsons 

Job Title: Production Manager

Joined Active-PCB Solutions: 2023

Meet The Active-PCB Team: Debbie parsons, Production Manager
  1. What inspired you to work in the PCB/electronics industry (or – how did you end up working here?!)?
    I started work at a local microswitch company and enjoyed working in electronic manufacturing.
  2. In fewer than 100 words, what does a typical workday at Active-PCB Solutions look like for you?
    Ensuring product is coming through in order to satisfy customer demands. Dealing with any staff issues. Reallocating staff to cover increased customer demands.
  3. What do you enjoy most about working with the team at Active-PCB Solutions?
    Variety of work day challenges. The people I work with.
  4. Imagine it’s the end of a Friday workday – what does your ideal evening look like?
    Either X-box or a movie with few beers.
  5. What’s a hobby or activity you’ve recently gotten into, or one which you would love to try?
    I’d like to learn to play the drums.
  6. If you could wake up tomorrow being an expert at something or having a brand new skill, what would it be and why?
    Learn to speak German.
  7. What is the last series you binged on Netflix/Prime/etc (and would you recommend it?)
    Star Wars: The Acolyte.
  8. You have two weeks off and an unlimited budget; where would you visit?
    The Mayan ruins in South America.
  9. What’s your go-to comfort food?
    Bacon sandwich.
  10. According to an advert I saw on LinkedIn, animals are excellent for engagement, so please show off your pet (if you have one)!
    I have a cat called Nemo (no, not after the fish but a Nightwish song)
  11. The same advert told me that humour was also good for engagement. Can you tell us a joke?
    What is brown, hairy and wears sunglasses? A coconut on vacation.
  12. Jon set the following question: What is the best album you’ve ever listened to?
    Tough one, Artist – Dio, Album – Dream Evil.
  13. And finally! Can you think of a question to ask the next person on ‘Meet The Team’?
    What is your ideal holiday destination and why.

Follow the Active-PCB Blog or Linkedin page for more Meet The Team!

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